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Avoid Bike Tyre Damage

28 May 2021

What happens when your bike tyres get too hot?

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Summers can get exceptionally hot in India, and so does the tarmac. We always hear some crazy stories when the temperature rises, such as, the asphalt melting away or people frying eggs on the sidewalk. But can it get so hot that it actually affects your bike’s handling and control?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. If you didn’t know, the heat of summer can even make your tyres explode. Here’s how heat affects your bike tyres.

Hot temperature causes tyres to expand

Scientific research shows that for every 10° F rise in temperature, the tyre pressure increases by one PSI (pound per square inch). The air pressure keeps on increasing once the summer temperatures start soaring. While the ratio of increase may not seem significant, passenger vehicles generally have 30 to 35 PSI pressure in tyres. Thus, a few pounds of extra air pressure can make a big difference. Even if the tyres do not blow out, over inflation can eventually lead to premature wear and hamper cornering and braking performance.

Tyres also generate internal heat

Besides the rise in temperature, there are other factors that heat up the tyres, such as,

Friction: As you ride, your tyres rub against the asphalt and generate friction to move the vehicle forward. Friction can generate a lot of heat, especially if you are not using tubeless bike tyres.

Rubber compounds: It’s the primary material used in making tyres. Rubber molecules are linked in long, twisting chains called polymers. The spinning of the wheel causes vibrations in polymers and they contract. While tyre rubber is made for handling the inward coiling of molecules, it does have a breaking point.

So, when combined with hot temperatures, the above factors can cause a bike tyre to malfunction or blow out.

How to avoid tyre damage or blow out during summers?

In case your tyres are overheating, the most obvious check involves touching them. If your bike tyres feel exceptionally hot to touch, you may be on the brink of a blowout. You can also use an air pressure gauge to check for over-inflation during summers to see if the heat is affecting the PSI. Now, to avoid heat-related tyre damage, there are several things you can do.

  1. Check your motorbike’s menu to find out the recommended air pressure (although don’t confuse it with maximum PSI). Ensure that the tyres are properly inflated and make regular stops at petrol pumps and tyre shops to keep an eye on the PSI.
  2. Let your tyres cooldown at regular intervals if you are riding long-distance in hot weather. Don’t make the mistake of letting the air out when over-inflation occurs due to outside heat. It can lead to under-inflation which is equally dangerous for the rider and the ride.
  3. Older tyres with worn out tread are not very efficient at dissipating heat, leading to more instances of blowout. On the other hand, newer tyres come with highly durable rubber compounds and innovative tread patterns. Bike tyres from manufacturers like Apollo Tyres do a better job of dissipating heat. So, consider a bike tyre replacement before summers start.
  4. Treating your tires with wax-based products can keep them from drying out and decreasing the possibility of blowouts.
  5. Lastly, driving within the speed limits regulates the amount of friction being generated, hence keeping tyre heat levels at optimal levels..

Looking for new tyres for Indian motorcycles?

If your bike tyres are overheating or have worn out, and you are looking for new motorcycle tyres online, visit us at Our online tyres shop allows you to compare bike tyre prices and gives you the best deals on new tyre purchases. Also, you are eligible for all standard warranty and service benefits, same as those offered by authorized Apollo Tyre shops near you.